
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Book(s) review and GIVE AWAY!!

Okay, so I promised Erin MacPherson I would do this the first week of April...instead I had a baby! Which is fitting since her books are seriously helping me stay sane!!  SO better late than never, right?!

Erin is the author of four (FOUR!) books in the 'Christian Mama's Guide' series. And they are A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Seriously.

The Christian Mama's Guide To Having a Baby: Everything You Need to Know to Survive (and Love) Your Pregnancy
The Christian Mama's Guide To Baby's First Year: Everything You Need to Know to Survive (and Love) Your First Year as a Mom
The Christian Mama's Guide To Parenting A Toddler: Everything You Need to Know to Survive (and Love) Your Child's Terrible Twos
The Christian Mama's Guide To The Grade School Years: Everything You Need to Know to Survive (and Love) Sending Your Kids Off into the Big Wide World

I've read the first three, since they pertain to my life right now. And I'm not kidding, if it weren't for the humor, prayer, and focus on God in Having a Baby, I don't know if I would have survived my second pregnancy. Where was this book when I was pregnant with Pumpkin Pie?! Erin does something that no one else in the Baby industry does- she focuses everything on God and makes you laugh. I will be giving every new mom I know this book for sure! It isn't the only book you'll need- Erin doesn't go into depth the way 'What to Expect' or other exhaustive week-by-week books do but that's what makes her book so great! It's a quick, light, informative read that will have you ordering Baby's First Year before your bundle of joy arrives!

Even though this is my second time around, I'm thoroughly enjoying Baby's First Year. There is so much I've forgotten about...and Easter Egg is so different from Pumpkin Pie, I'm desperate for advice and ideas. Hands down the best thing about this book is Erin's ability to point an exhausted and often times frustrated mom towards God and His wisdom and promises.

Basically, I can say the exact same thing about Parenting a Toddler. I've never done this before. And by 'this' I mean survive the ups and downs of parenting a tiny little dictator. Again, I'm so thankful for Erin's humor-filled parenting advice and her gentle way of pointing me towards Christ! What a breath of fresh air in the parenting book world!

I can guess that I will enjoy The Grade School Years just as much...and probably won't wait 2-3 years to read it!

If you are interested in WINNING The Christian Mama's Guide to Baby's First Year, all you have to do is leave a comment below telling me a little about your bundle of joy! For an additional entry, "like" my facebook page!

All opinions are mine, I was not compensated in any way for this review!

1 comment:

  1. You know all about my little bundle of joy... but you know he's my world! <3 He's the sweetest, funniest, goofiest almost-one-year-old around! And let me tell you, God has gifted me with him in so many ways, and has given me many gifts in order to handle him! :)
