
Monday, June 3, 2013

So much for

So much for catching up! lol! I think this may be my new normal...never caught up!

The last three weeks I was frantically trying to prepare for our trip to Michigan, then we were there, then we were home and recovering from a nasty (NASTY) stomach bug.

Now it's Monday again. The scale said 161.8 this morning :) I'm going to take all the credit for that minimal weight loss and tell you that I've been eating really well and exercising regularly.

Reality is, I never threw up but I was thoroughly 'cleaned out' by this bug -if you know what I mean ;)

So I started those 30 day challenges (squats and push-ups) and had to stop around the 10 day mark- too much too fast and I was feeling 'bad' pain in my knees and shoulders.

And after spending a week with my grandma and aunt (both suffering with arthritis) I decided that pain in my joints at 33 isn't a good thing- and since it's always what keeps me from working out- I'm looking into anti-inflammatory diets. Along the lines of 'The Plan', Whole 30, etc. Just doing some reading first...I'd love to be able to get back into running without my knees bothering me just because I changed my diet! And if I lost a few pounds in the process that would be the icing on the cake! (Something I probably won't get to eat much of!)

If I get a chance, I'll post some pics of Michigan later today but I doubt it. This stomach bug closed my friends' daycare and I have her 2 boys (4 and 7 months) in addition to mine...and I hear one of them waking up.

Happy Monday!

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